We offer bulk scanning tool to update the shipment status in bulk. We have a bulk scanning tool that can allow you to update the shipment status in bulk. You can add the number of each product and then it will print out a list of items with their serial numbers and quantity. This way, you can easily see if there are any problems with your inventory or if there are too many items for your warehouse space.
The best part about this is that it also gives you an opportunity to check how much money you are spending on shipping each month, as well as how many units were sold. This information helps you make decisions on how to improve your business and future operations.

Web App Scanner

If a business is using an online system to track their shipments, they will have to manually update the shipment status in bulk. This can be time consuming and tedious, so they may want to use a bulk scanning tool.
With this tool, businesses can use USB or Bluetooth scanners to read barcodes and update shipments in bulk. They can also print out reports showing all the information about their shipments. You can use this tool by logging into our website and clicking on “Bulk scan” at the menu. You will then be asked to enter some basic information about each item such as its status, date before adding/updating it into your system.

Delivery App Scanner
Driver mobile app provides an option to update the shipment in bulk. for example, if there are 500 shipments are ready to dispatch a driver can simply set the status update once and keep scanning all the shipment barcodes to update all of them.
If you have a large number of packages that need to be scanned and updated, Driver mobile app will help you save time and effort by doing it easily on your phone or tablet.
Once the driver starts scanning, he will see all the shipment details on his screen including their weight and dimensions. The driver can then click on each shipment and update its status such as “Ready” or “In Transit”.
Once updated, this information is recorded in the database and will be sent to staff/customer via email or text message once it has been shipped out.
The mobile app also allows drivers to detect missing packages and generate alerts when a package is overdue. This helps drivers locate packages quickly and efficiently so that they can ensure that all of their shipments are delivered on time, even if they do not have access to the physical address of the package.

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We'll be happy to schedule a 1-on-1 demo session with you so that we can discuss your goals and requirements. If you have any questions, please contact us at +1 (415) 877-4700.

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